Best work we have done in the last 3+ years
Our process is informed by a deep knowledge of what moves people in today's digital environment. We use this understanding to build brands people love.
Awarded #1 New Release in Category
Sales in First 40 Days on Amazon
Amazon Ads

How True Classic Successfully Launched On Amazon a Month Before Black Friday

True Classic Tees dominated the D2C market when selling on their own site, but hadn't ventured into the world of Amazon. The online marketplace can be intimidating for businesses without the technical skills needed to succeed, but expanding onto Amazon was the next logical step.
Our team developed and implemented a comprehensive strategy for increasing sales on Amazon for the brand. This included optimizing the brand's listings to effectively showcase the products to potential customers, implementing a strong pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to drive targeted traffic to the listings, and using the brand's own marketing channels such as social media and email marketing to build brand awareness and drive traffic. We also focused on gathering and soliciting reviews from customers to increase the perceived value of the products, and targeted relevant keywords that were being used by competitors or not yet associated with the brand to drive more traffic to the listings. This strategy proved to be successful in driving sales and conversions on Amazon for the brand.
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Increase in Revenue YoY
Increase in Sales Volume YoY
Decrease in CPA QoQ
Paid Search

Delivering High ROI Google Advertising With A Data Driven Approach

Working with Whitelabeled Media, a Google partner, True Classic got the expert strategy it needed to grow its business by improving digital marketing performance with the focus of achieving profitable revenue growth.
Whitelabeled Media and True Classic used Google Analytics 360 to calculate the average margin needed on their top products and set a target return on ad spend (ROAS) in Google Ads. They tested bid strategies, ad copy, audiences, and ran experiments using various Google Ads products, including display, discovery, performance max, YouTube, search, and shopping. This framework allowed them to fine-tune their account and reach True Classic's target ROAS, resulting in the company's growth from $0-$120M in revenue in just under 2.5 years.
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Increase In Conversion Rate
Increase In Leads
Decrease in CPA
Paid Search
Paid Social

How Lazydays Increased Their Lead Volume by 100% While Dropping Their CPA by 25%

Lazydays is a company that generates leads through multiple channels, with paid search being the main focus. Due to the nature of their dealership-based model, they faced challenges in getting the business goals of each dealership aligned with the advertising KPI's of each dealership.
The company implemented custom solutions in Google Ads to optimize their campaigns and improve cost-effectiveness. They worked closely with the client's internal marketing team and key decision-makers to guide campaigns in the most effective direction. Using their custom measurement solutions, they were able to identify opportunities to lower the cost-per-acquisition in key locations. They also tested various strategies, ad copy, and audiences and utilized multiple products within the Google ecosystem to maximize their performance.
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Decrease In Unqualified Leads
Annual Revenue Generated
Decrease In CPL QoQ
Paid Search

How Medsender Increased Lead Quality While Reducing Their CPA by 77%

As Medsender sought to secure seed funding, they recognized the need to demonstrate the viability of their lead generation strategy. While they had previously employed Google Ads, the high cost per lead and cost per qualified lead made it difficult for them to scale and serve as a compelling proof of concept. Given the success of Google Ads in their industry, they partnered with Whitelabeled Media to optimize their campaign and drive more promising results.
Our team developed a strategy to identify and target the brand's ideal customer through A/B testing on Paid Search and utilizing customer data. To stay top-of-mind with leads that had shown engagement but were not yet ready to convert, we implemented retargeting techniques. We also aligned the brand's key performance indicators, created a consistent source of data, and continuously tested and refined our approach to reduce the number of unqualified leads. To optimize ad performance, we utilized custom conversions in Google Ads. As a result of these efforts, we were able to effectively generate and convert qualified leads for the brand.
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Increase in Leads
Increase in Scaled Ad Spend
Decrease in CPA
Paid Search

How Loan Guys Decreased Their CPA by 29% While Scaling Their Lead Volume Over 176%.

Loan Guys was facing internal bandwidth constraints that prevented them from maintaining and growing their digital presence through Paid Search. They were struggling to maintain their KPIs on Google Ads and increase qualified lead volume. They were facing a unique challenge that required a marketing team to improve both the lead volume and cost per lead without much leeway in either direction. This required elevated attention to detail and frequent communication.
Our team helped Loan Guys increase qualified lead volume and profitability through targeted Paid Search campaigns and advanced measurement techniques. We overcame their internal bandwidth constraints by implementing benchmark performance targets and utilizing Tag Manager for advanced measurement. Despite facing challenges such as reactive budget planning leading to increased cost per lead, we were able to effectively solve these issues and optimize the Loan Guys' campaign performance. By focusing on top performers and implementing a negative keyword strategy, we were able to maintain the Loan Guys' KPIs on Google Ads and achieve profitability. Our successful efforts elevated the Loan Guys' digital presence and generated positive results for their business.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between SEO and SEM?
Search engine marketing (SEM) uses paid strategies to appear in search results/ Search engine optimization (SEO) uses organic - non paid - strategies to appear in search results.
What should I expect from reporting calls?
Reporting calls focus on key metrics that relate to the end results in your business. Typically you begin with volume & efficiency and walk through the key contributing factors. Followed up with recommendations and strategy to ensure your business is always moving forward. Always ask yourself - Do I know how this is impacting my businesses revenue and profitability? If not, work towards that clarity.
What’s the difference between paid social and paid search?
We capture interested users in paid search while we interrupt and create interest in paid social. It’s a push and pull effect.
What is paid search?
When you type something into Google or any search browser, you are presented with a list of results also known as the search engine results page (SERP for short) which shows organic and paid results. This paid search result has an ad identifier above the result and is typically at the top of the SERP. Paid Search allows you to drive traffic to your website through the display of relevant ads. When someone is looking or “searching” for a blog, product, service, or brand you want to be there. This is why Search is King.
How much do I need to spend on Google Ads?
Most companies spend between $10,000 to $100,000 per month on Google Ads. There are plenty of factors like seasonality, industry type, competition, current customer base, website and more that influence advertising costs.
Why do I need a custom reporting dashboard?
Every business should have a dynamic dashboard that reports the metrics that are important to the business. Dynamic dashboards are connected to the systems you use and stream live data so you can always get updated, accurate data. If you are spending too much time trying to understand how this translates to your business you may need to simplify the dashboard.
What should I expect from reporting calls?
Reporting calls focus on key metrics that relate to the end results in your business. Typically you begin with volume & efficiency and walk through the key contributing factors. Followed up with recommendations and strategy to ensure your business is always moving forward. Always ask yourself - Do I know how this is impacting my businesses revenue and profitability? If not, work towards that clarity.
What is your process for success?
Our custom strategy is designed to help you achieve your goals by identifying and leveraging your unique strengths and differentiators. We take a data-driven approach, testing and iterating to maximize impact and achieve the best possible results. This iterative process allows us to continuously refine and improve our strategy, ensuring that we stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional results for our clients.
How does your team handle communication?
Our team is committed to keeping open lines of communication with our clients. We utilize a slack channel that is actively monitored and reachable on a daily basis. Our policy is to respond to any client emails within 24-48 hours to ensure that any concerns or questions are addressed in a timely manner.
Why does your process get results?
Our process is results-driven and focused on generating positive cash flow for our clients. We begin by implementing an effective measurement strategy that allows us to track progress and make data-driven decisions. By constantly analyzing and optimizing based on real-time performance data, we are able to deliver measurable results that drive growth and success for our clients.
What are your core principles as an agency?
Our core principles as an agency revolve around clarity, communication, and results. We strive to provide crystal clear reporting and communication, making it easy to understand exactly how we're performing and what we're working on. Daily slack communication, weekly sprints and monthly reporting calls ensure that you are always informed and up-to-date on the progress of your marketing efforts. We keep our reports simple, so you can see the results that we consistently deliver.
Is your team all US based?
We pride ourselves on our team of highly experienced professionals, all of whom are based in the United States. Our team of experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that you receive the highest level of service and support. We believe in providing our clients with the best talent and resources possible, and our US-based team is a testament to that commitment.
Why should I use Facebook ads?
Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms on earth and the ads platform reaches many other apps like Instagram & Whatsapp. Facebook offers hyper targeted audience groups that allow us to reach your ideal customers based on their interests, likes, & habits.
How is Facebook Ads targeting different from Google?
Facebook ads targeting is based more on behavior and interests rather than keyword context. This targeting methodology allows for custom audience creation by overlapping key audiences to reach the perfect users.
What is programmatic advertising?
An automated way of buying highly relevant audiences at scale. Programmatic advertising can help bring net-new prospects to the table, allowing you to expand your current audience while converting those audiences down the road.
Why use programmatic ads?
Programmatic advertising give the advertiser the ability to more granularly target a user based on location, placement, & many other targeting factors.
What is a DSP?
Advertisers use Demand-Side Platforms to get the ads in front of their target audience. DSPs do the work for the advertiser by identifying the best publishers and placements for a programmatic ad campaign based on the strategy and criteria the advertiser provides.
What is an ad exchange?
Ad exchanges manage the auctioning and bidding process to determine the winning advertisement for a position on the publishers available inventory.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nisl, massa nisl lacus sem in libero laoreet cras. Etiam morbi lorem molestie facilisi diam. Non elementum arcu in nisi dictum.
Can you show me an example?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nisl, massa nisl lacus sem in libero laoreet cras. Etiam morbi lorem molestie facilisi diam. Non elementum arcu in nisi dictum.
How do I processing I need?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nisl, massa nisl lacus sem in libero laoreet cras. Etiam morbi lorem molestie facilisi diam. Non elementum arcu in nisi dictum.
What happens if I go over my limit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nisl, massa nisl lacus sem in libero laoreet cras. Etiam morbi lorem molestie facilisi diam. Non elementum arcu in nisi dictum.
How do I calculate how much processing I need?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nisl, massa nisl lacus sem in libero laoreet cras. Etiam morbi lorem molestie facilisi diam. Non elementum arcu in nisi dictum.
You need a team with extensive experience?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nisl, massa nisl lacus sem in libero laoreet cras. Etiam morbi lorem molestie facilisi diam. Non elementum arcu in nisi dictum.
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